
Too many people will have read in their ultrasound examinations, especially during the warm months of the year, that they have sand in the kidneys, or as we scientifically call them, sand elements or sand disease. As you all know, the kidneys eliminate some elements from the body that are in excess. Under some conditions, some of these elements can combine to make sand, which under some conditions can develop into stones. The good thing is that while stones are not always easy to pass, sand in the kidneys can be passed very easily. So it is important that whoever hears that has such a finding in his examination to make a series of lifestyle changes to greatly reduce the chance of this condition developing into urinary stones. Let's see what it can do. •The most important thing it can do is dramatically increase fluid intake. When fluid intake is low, urine is very concentrated in substances that can combine to form sand and stones. Calculate that we should drink 30 cubic centimeters of liquid per kilogram of weight at least. So, if you are 70 kg, Then you must consume at least 2.1 liters of fluids per day. The vast majority of these liquids should be water, although diluted teas are also a very good idea. For example, you can make mountain tea and put it in a pitcher with ice and add some water and drink it during the day as a cool refreshment. • It is also very important to increase the consumption of foods that are rich in calcium. This may sound a bit unexpected, because 80 to 90% of uroliths contain calcium. So one might think that eating foods with increased calcium is a problem. But the exact opposite is true. A diet low in calcium encourages the formation of sand and stones in the urinary tract. And you can only do this with foods that are rich in calcium and not with dietary supplements, because dietary supplements that contain calcium increase the likelihood of developing stones in the kidneys. •You should also significantly reduce your salt intake. In a particular way, the increased consumption of salt leads to a condition that results in an increased possibility of sand and stones in the urinary tract. Don't forget that when you are trying to reduce salt from your diet you must also reduce foods that have hidden salt such as cheeses and cured meats. •Too many stones that develop in the kidneys contain oxalates in addition to calcium. Oxalates are toxins produced by food and when found in tails, under certain conditions combine with calcium to make calcium oxalate stones. In this case it is important to reduce foods that contain a lot of oxalates. Such foods are spinach, chocolate, sweet potatoes, coffee, beets, peanuts and others. • However, animal protein also leads to an increased appearance of sand or urinary stones. In case your diet is rich in animal protein, i.e. rich in meat, chicken, fish and dairy, then you should reduce them as well. •Another supplement to avoid if you have kidney stones and don't want to end up with kidney stones in the surgery is vitamin C supplements. Like calcium supplements, vitamin C supplements C significantly increase the chance of urinary stones. If you are taking supplements you should stop them. These are the steps you can take if you've been told you have sand in your kidneys to greatly reduce the chance of it developing into kidney stones. Now, in case you already have kidney stones, you should definitely watch the video shown to my right which explains what diet you should do then to help yourself. Thank you very much.

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