A question that I often hear at my office during sessions as well as through the comments on YouTube is "What's the difference between wholegrain flour, zea flour and dinkel flour?" Let's see their differences. We all know the regular white flour that we use for almost every purpose in cooking and bakery. This flour comes from wheat, from which the hull, the so-called bran, has been removed, and which has then been ground. This flour has the typical white color and it's the flour people mean when they say "flour" without adding any other characteristics. When we say "wholegrain flour", it means that during grounding, a part of the hull, namely the bran, remains and is ground with the remaining fruit. Ideally, the whole hull should remain, although this rarely happens. We can take wholegrain flour from every fruit. We can take wholegrain flour from wheat, barley, rye, quinoa, buckwheat, and eaery grain and legume. However, in everyday language, if we just say "wholegrain flour", we mean wholegrain flour from wheat. We can find out the content in hull of the end product knowing that wheat contains at least 12% fibers. Reading the label of a product that claims to be wholegrain, you can see the content in fibers per 100 g, and if it's more than 12 g, namely 12%, you can say that this product is really wholegrain. If the percentage is lower, there's no way it's wholegrain. This means that only part of the hull was added to grounding, not the whole of it. Zea and dinkel are fruits related to wheat. Namely, they have many common characteristics with wheat. Their nutrients are similar, although some people believe that products from zea and dinkel are more digestible. Zea and dinkel are considered ancestors of modern wheat, and this may be the reason why there are some small differences between them. Wheat was first cultivated 12,000 years ago, and in these 12 millennia, producers have always selected the fruit that had the biggest possible yield with the least possible requirements. Zea and dinkel are types of wheat with lower yield per acre that may be ancestors of modern wheat. Some people with mild intolerance to gluten believe that zea and dinkel products work better in their bodies. But if you suffer from celiac disease, you mustn't consume zea and dinkel products. Zea and dinkel flour, like flour from regular wheat, can be wholegrain or white. Namely, it can contain the hull or part of the hull, or not. Again, to find out what part of the hull is contained in the flour, you have to see the fibers it contains and make sure they're at least over 12%, namely more than 12 g per 100 g of product. Besides this rule, there's another way to find out if the products that claim to be wholegrain are really wholegrain. If you'd like to find it out, in order to find the best products to buy in the market, I suggest watching the video on my right. Thank you very much!
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