The gallbladder is a small, 10 cm long, pouch-like organ located under the liver. The gallbladder does not produce bile, but stores it to release it in large quantities during digestion to optimize the digestion of fatty foods. Unfortunately, many times the gallbladder develops stones and in some cases it is necessary to remove it. Today we will talk about the ideal food in case you have undergone this operation to remove the gallbladder called cholecystectomy. We will start by saying the foods you should limit and then we will talk about the foods you should increase in your diet. If we do not list a food it means that as a food it neither helps nor hinders digestion after cholecystectomy. • Fatty meats. After the gallbladder is removed, bile is not released in large quantities during digestion, and this makes it difficult to digest fatty foods. Studies have shown that the biggest problem is with meats that are rich in fat, such as sausages, pork and lamb. Obviously it has nothing to do with the animal the meat comes from, so if someone wants to eat lamb they can, as long as they eat cuts that don't have fat. On the other hand, this is very difficult when one eats pork and lamb. Goat usually has less fat than lamb, as does beef pork fat. As a consequence, we are more likely to achieve lean cuts from the meat of these two animals. The same goes for chicken. It is important to remove the visible fat and skin. •Dairy Products. The same is true with dairy products. Obviously, there are low-fat dairy products, but there are also very high-fat dairy products. In this case I would say that cheeses should be reduced or avoided altogether, because they are usually very high in fat. Conversely, yogurt and milk, especially if they are low in fat, can be very good choices. Obviously, low-fat butter it doesn't exist, so butter should be avoided as much as possible. The same applies to margarines. •Processed foods. Foods that are highly processed and contain too many calories should also be avoided. These energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods are very difficult to digest, and for this reason their place should be as limited as possible in your daily diet. Such foods are sweets and pastries. You should definitely make sure that these foods are as limited as possible in your diet. But there are also some foods that you should hunt for after cholecystectomy, because they are foods that are particularly nutritious, and do not burden the digestive system. These are: • Foods rich in fiber. Fiber aids digestion, especially when the body is unable to secrete a large amount of bile during digestion. But here you need to be careful, because if someone follows a low-fiber diet, like most people, increasing the fiber suddenly can has severe digestive problems. In this case, the increased fiber consumption should come gradually. In this way we will avoid unpleasant consequences. Fortunately, Greek cuisine is full of foods that are rich in fiber, such as legumes, salads, fruits, nuts and whole grains. • Foods with high nutritional value and low energy density. In this category we will find fruits and vegetables, because they contain a lot of nutrients, a lot of water and few calories. This facilitates digestion because the water is slowly released and at the same time hydrates the body better. Also, these foods have a very high nutritional value that ensures the necessary minerals, trace elements and vitamins that the body needs to heal the surgery. •Lean meats. It is very important to include in your diet foods that contain animal protein but do not contain fat. We said earlier that fatty meats should be avoided, but lean meats should be included in your diet. Here you need a little attention to the amount, so that you get enough protein, as much as you need, but at the same time you do not consume excessive amounts that make it difficult for the body, specifically the digestive system. Finally, in addition to the foods you should watch out for, there are generally some guidelines you should follow. You will hear these instructions from the surgeon who will undertake the operation, but in general they include the following instructions. •Do not start solid foods immediately after surgery. Introduce solid foods gradually to avoid the possibility of digestive problems. • In the period after surgery, make sure your meals are small and frequent. Try to divide your food into five to six small meals a few hours apart. Also try not to exceed 3 grams of fat and oils per meal. •Remember that exercise is a great way to improve digestive function. Even 10 to 20 minutes of brisk walking a day significantly helps the digestive system to work better. After the surgeon gives you the instruction to start walking, take advantage of it to help the digestive function a little more.
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